Recently, we received a question from a mother who has a strained relationship with her adult children. She asked: “Any thoughts on how to build bridges, when older children really don’t want to have anything to do with us?”
We have received similar questions from other families over the years. We thought we’d share our thoughts for this mom as our newsletter article this month because we believe there are certain parenting mistakes that can be avoided, making estranged children much less likely.
Rebuilding relationships takes much prayer and humility. Often bitterness has taken root, and only the Lord can bring healing. We would encourage parents to humbly seek the Lord and ask Him to show them any specific ways they have hurt or failed their children, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
- We would suggest that parents prayerfully make a list of every offense they can remember – everything they did wrong and each specific event or situation. It could be times they were too harsh, punished unjustly, got angry, spoke unkind words, neglected needs, or acted in pride. They should even try to think back to the beginning, to the very youngest ages. Bitterness toward parents can begin very early in a child’s heart. Parents should also list what they should have done differently, if they know.
- Then parents should arrange a talk with each of their kids, probably one on one. We would suggest some time in prayer and fasting first. Maybe even a lengthy fast of one to three days. When this difficult talk occurs, parents must be utterly humble. They should ask forgiveness for ways they have failed as parents, absorb ALL the blame, and express true repentance. When expressing repentance, it is important for parents to be able to explain what their offense was, how it hurt their kids, and even how their kids must have felt. If parents are not able to express this, their kids will not believe that their parents truly understand.
- This is a hard assignment for both the parents and their children. Healing offenses takes courage, but mostly humility. Parents must listen and not be defensive. They should not give any explanation to justify themselves. They should simply acknowledge that they were wrong. And they should not expect any immediate response from their kids because forgiveness is just as hard as repentance and can take time to process.
This is not meant to be a formula, but an example of how humility may look in this situation. Great humility is the key!
Frequently, when we are asked for counsel in a situation like this, we find (or at least it’s our strong opinion) that the parents have been too strict. Not necessarily harsh, just strict. Too many rules. Too much oversight. Micromanagers. (Of course, parents must protect and apply some limitations, but it should be done in a way that children understand and that focuses on the heart, not just the external actions.) When parents are their kids’ allies and best friends, the kids are willing to cooperate and agree that parents know best. But when the parents try to control through rules, the kids feel forced and become resentful.
Actually, it’s a little more complicated than that. Usually, one of the problems is that the parents don’t trust the kids, and that is the reason for all the rules. But it’s even deeper than that. Often the reason the kids aren’t trustworthy is because they have no desire to please their parents. And it gets deeper still. The reason they don’t desire to please the parents is often because they can’t. That is, the parents are never pleased (or at least the kids don’t feel that their parents are pleased). The parents seldom praise, but rather scrutinize everything. It’s difficult for the kids to be successful, so they stop trying. They soon see their parents as foes instead of friends.
All this usually starts at the youngest ages. Parenting requires gentle, loving teaching. As much as possible, parents need to see everything their kids do as wonderful. When the child misbehaves, the parents need to learn to see the various factors affecting the behavior – tiredness, pain, disappointment, etc. This will help the parents to be compassionate. Parents need to be an ally taking the child’s side. It’s human nature to like those who like you. This will be true for children as well. Of course, parents love their children, but children need to know that their parents really like them too. Parents must be their kids’ best friends and praise them as much as they can. Pleasing one’s parents is success for a child. Praise gives them this success.
Malachi 4:6 is a familiar verse about fathers and children. “And He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.” Something about this verse that strikes us as significant is the order. First, the hearts of the fathers are turned to the children. Then, mentioned second (and I wonder if that means as a response), the hearts of the children are turned to the fathers. Whether that is the primary intended meaning of the verse or not, it nevertheless seems to us to be a true principle.
The buck stops with us as parents. We must assume responsibility. When we fail, we must be utterly humble. Meditate on how Christ has given you grace and modeled humility. Ask for God’s forgiveness and a fresh appreciation of grace in Christ!
“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (Jas. 4:6).
The most important thing we can do for our struggling children is to pray! The Prodigal Prayer Guide, written by parents of prodigals and former prodigals, is a resource we recommend to help your prayers be rooted in God’s Word. Remember, there is always hope! “With God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26).
This article was written in our newsletter. You can sign up for the monthly newsletters here